Meal Prepping – Setting Yourself Up for Success

01 May 2020

As we continue to explore ways of making the most of what is a different way of living and working for many of us, in this article we take a look at meal prepping and all the benefits that it can bring.

Whilst ‘food and meal prepping’ is undoubtedly a buzz phrase and something we see talked about everywhere these days, how many of us really take the time to think about it? How we can we actually make meal prepping work for us and what it can do for our overall health and wellbeing?

What is meal prepping?

The first thing we need to do is clarify what meal prepping is. In a nutshell, it is, quite literally, preparing, cooking and packaging food in advance through cooking all in one go. It really is that simple!

It’s usual to prep food and meals for three to four days in advance. That’s not to say you can’t go further once you’re in the zone with it of course! Either way, whether it’s for three days or even a whole week, prepping can mean you know exactly what and how much you are eating.

So what are the benefits?

This is a fair question. Let’s take a look at what some of them are.


We all know how hard it can be to concentrate and be productive when we’re hungry.

We also know that quality, nutritious food has incredible benefits and is so important in helping us to stay focused, energised and productive throughout the day.

So do consider food and meal prepping as a way to maximising the benefits of nutrition – after all, you’re in complete control of exactly what and how much is going into each meal.

Maximise Time – Minimise Cost 

Not only does prepping allow us to take a step back and plan the content of our meals, including their nutritional value. Think about all the time you’ll be giving back to yourself (and perhaps your family if you have one) by adopting this approach – time you can use in whatever way you want.

And by doing it regularly, you’ll use the time more efficiently as you’ll get into a regular flow; not only will this help you minimise waste, but also reduce the additional costs that can come from cooking (and shopping) daily.#

Kick-start new habits

Think about those extra hours of free time you’ll have – you could introduce (or increase) exercise into your daily routine, spend time together as a family, or schedule the time to tap into your new mindfulness routine!

All in all, having that time available can help you to kick-start healthy habits that last a lifetime for you.

Maximise healthy eating

It’s likely we have all been there at one time or another. We’re hungry and haven’t brought our lunch to work. Or the day has been so busy, we’ve barely stopped, and it’s so tempting to grab the first thing we see at the station or shops on the way home from work.

But wait – you don’t need to worry! Your prepped healthy nutritious snacks will be there to help you through the day. Not only that, but the delicious meal – made to your exacting tastes and cooked just the way you like it – is there, at home, ready and waiting for you! 

Today’s Take Away

Taking the time to prep and prepare your food for the week ahead really can change your nutritional health and wellbeing for the better.

Not only that, but having more time to relax and refresh from your day is vital. Whatever way you choose to spend that time, it can only be to the good.

Ultimately, prepping to prepare sounds like amazing self-care to us – so give it a go and see how much better you feel.

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